last few days dunno wat had happened to me,i suddenly like to go shopping
n buy new cloths for myself.In 2 days only i spent about 200 on fashion,oh mygod its so scary man

I bought a jacket from U2 which i like it very much from very long ago ,i end up buying it n without 
any heart pain (for the moment la), but my bf agree to pay for me , haha is more i wont feel any heart pain la ofcoz... in the same day i bought a shoe from charles n keith,got 20 % discount voucher from Jeslin!
The next day after work,go shopping with colleagues,pamela n jeslin,on that day i bought total 2 tops i skirt n one 3/4 pants,total of 4 pcs cost me only 56,still cheaper than the jacket which i bought from U2,but diffferent quality ma ,hehe...
Yay very happy,coz got more new cloths to wear to dress up better la,it will increase self confidence for dressing up nicely ,so why not!
Malaysia now having mega sales,feel like going back to KL n shop,mm...need to plan plan oledi!


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