so long didnt write journal...dunno isit because the background is not that nice
,makes me like dun have the urge to write,haha...
yesterday finally received the books which i get fren from taiwan
to buy one,spend about 90 plus to buy only 2 books,really is abit costly,
but is worth la!
mentioned about this,feel so sorry to make isaac to top up some money to mail
the books for me.i actually TT him NTD 1600,but dunno how come he only
received 1570,dunno where the hell is the balance gone,so sorry la isaac...
the books is quite thick,i think i need some time to finish reading it,
luckily im interested in,if not,its will kill me if u want me to read book
which i not interested at all...
the books is actually about the Photoshop one,ohmygod,i really fever man...
dunno when will this interest be gone,i hope it wont lo,haha

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