Last saturday i finally made my decision,finally
i tendered my resignation letter...i dunno where
i get this courage from...maybe im really sick of
this job. My boss havent see the letter,coz he hardly
come to my branch so i get somebody to pass it to him,
i dunno how he will react after seeing the letter..
i sure he will ask me to stay back,and telling me story,
but i hate it,n i hope he wont do this kind of thing...
so my last day will be at 1st of July,after tat i need
to finish my study 1st then go back to home town n take
a rest 1st...actually im still thinking whether want to
go back or not,coz i afraid tat my family will worry about
me...i think i need to bluff them tat i actually got long
Got frens asked me why dun i work until new year n get bonus
then quit?i replied him tat i only want to get out of here
as soon as i come will like tat...dunno...
wish me good luck...

    Cheryl 玟希 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()