My boss finally saw the letter,and in the afternoon he came to office n
talk to me?He asked me why am i quiting my job?i replied him tat i wanna
change a brand new environment...he said he cant gimme the transferation
at the moment and asked me if i can wait for another 1 or 2 months time
to let him employ a new staff 1st then transfer me to the department i all
along asking to...he asked me if i oledi found a new job,i bluff him...i told
him ya i did!He asked me to consider 1st then let him know...
Mmm...i also dunno...confusing...but my mind keep thinking to leave instead
of consider to wait for few more months...
i still got 2 weeks time to think about this,dun worry be happy!
- Jun 20 Mon 2005 23:29
My boss finally saw the letter